

Players can earn chess pieces by opening chests or during special events. Then, these pieces are minted to become NFTs or fused to obtain a higher value NFT.

By obtaining a new piece, the player can :

  • Complete his collection

  • Play with his pieces

  • Forge his pieces

  • Sell/exchange his pieces in the marketplace

Magic Chess Online develops an in-game marketplace for Tokens and NFTs transactions. MCO tokens will also be traded on exchanges.

Contest chess for creators :

A chess set creation contest is organized to give creators (in our community) the opportunity to submit a chess set.

Afterward, all Magic Chess Online players will be able to "finance" and participate in the development of this chess set.

If the chess set reaches the required fund during the presentation period (1 week), the submitted chess set will be integrated into the game as a thematic chess set.

Incomes generated from the sale of the chess set

  • 25% of the income to the creator.

  • 25% of the income to investors.

  • 25% of the income to the MCO team.

If the goal is not reached, all tokens will be returned to the owner.

Last updated